Monday, March 16, 2009

Aunt Melanie is on Vacation and the kiddos are on Spring Break

It has been so long since I have blogged. Life has been crazy. I survived my kiddos going to Texas for a week with their Dad. It was hard but I kept myself busy.

My kiddos are on Spring Break right now and so I took the time off that I have them this week to be with them. We have gotten lots done and have been having so much fun. Cody is a huge helper and gets Logan motivated. We got the backyard cleaned up pretty good today! Thanks Bear! :)

Anyway, here are a few pictures of the day....The kids loved their pizza time. Logan and Cody have enjoyed playing video games today. The girls all made lip gloss and face masks with Katelyn's Spa factory kit.

Tomorrow we will be going to the Rain Forest Cafe and the Zoo. We went last year for Saint Patrick's Day too. The kids are all excited. I will have to post pics of that later.

Love having time off to spend with my kiddos!!!!

Love to everyone....I am on facebook a lot so if you want to keep more updated with me get a facebook account and look me up. A lot of my relatives are on there as well. It has been lots of fun.