Ok so I looked for the worst fatest picture of me of course it just happened to have Davyd in it. This picture was taken in September of '06. I weighed 164 then. The picture before that is of me in October of '06 the weekend after my 30th birthday. The new picture of me weighing 124 was taken in mid November of this year. So a 40 lb difference. Today I was 123.5. I am so excited!!!!!!
All I can say is GOOD JOB!!! It is so hard to lose weight after you have kids. It's like the body does some kind of metamorphosis and seems like it can never be the same, but you look like you never had a kid come out of you!lol You are an inspiration to all us Moms who are sitting in front of the computer right now with a donut in hand. By the way, what's your secret??? I need to go to fat camp, the kind where there is locks on the refridgerators, that's the only thing that will ever help me. haha Love ya byeee
Mel you look absolutely fabulous!! Sure makes me want to see your sweet face in person and give you a huge hug! Congrats on looking so good. Will you email me your address so I can send you a christmas card? also your moms too - send to lonnamarie28@yahoo.com
Love you darling cuz!! Hope to see you someday soon!!! big hugs!
Well thanks but if you saw my stomach uncovered you would't say that it looks like a kid never came out of me......LOL. It looks like a bowl of cottage cheese and I have hideous stretch marks and then my c section scars make it even worse! LOL Thank you though sweetie.
My secret is really just portion control. It is easier now that my stomach has shrunk. Just have to make it through the holidays without gaining a million lbs LOL>
I love you cousins!!!!! Love ya Lammy and Juju berry
Melanie! Love your blog! you look so excellent! Weight loss is such a struggle. I know! I've been struggling for ages. I hope someday I can have a post like this. You look great!
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