Hello everybody. I have been in my own world. Sorry about that :). Life has been can we say kicking my booty ;). Being a single mom is a lot of hard work and when you add all of the other drama to it I find it to be overwhelming at times. I keep going though. I am grateful for the tender mercies of my Savior. He blesses me so much and when I think I can't go on anymore he picks up the slack for me. I am so very greatful for my blessings today.
I have been very blessed to have my mom coming to help with my kiddos this Summer. They are loving having Grandma take care of them. This has been so nice. She has been fixing things in my house and doing deep cleaning that I don't find myself having the motivation to do lately. She does fun projects with the kids and they love to go swimming at her house.
My kiddos grow and grow and continue to amaze me every day. They are truly a blessing in my life. Their smiles can light up my day. Logan gives me the sweetest hugs when I am down and he is such a goof ball that he makes me laugh and laugh. I try not to show my kids when I am down but sometimes it can't be helped. Katie is just funny. She makes me laugh all the time too. She loves to talk. Megan is my little cuddle bunny and loves to have me hold her.
Davyd'd deployment has been put on hold due to him breaking his foot. So hopefully he won't have to go until at least the Summer is over. I know it will be a huge impact on my kids and it kills me to think about. I hate to say it but I was praying that he wouldn't deploy until at least the summer is over and the kids are back in school and then he broke his foot? An answer to me prayer??? Who knows!!
I cut my hair in March and went on a trip to the Grand Canyon and to Prescott with my sweet sisters. Melissa, Lynnessa and I had a great time. Lynnessa moved out here last week and is staying with Melissa. It is truly a blessing to be able to bond with my little sister that I didn't get to grow up with. She is so much like Melissa and I despite having different mom's and not being raised together. It is amazing.
I am also so blessed to be in a ward that loves me and goes above and beyond to serve me and my kiddos. I love this ward. Hard to believe I have been here for 10 yrs now.
Wow this is getting long...I have many many other things I am grateful for. I will stop here though. Love to you all!!!!
Melvina! You are so beautiful in those pictures!!! You will make it little darlin'! I am glad that the kiddos have their Dad for the summer. That is a great blessing for them. I wish I could put my arm around you. Love you a whole bunch sweetie.
Glad you're back in cyberspace.
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