Yes, I know. I swore that I was pretty much done with dating for awhile and here comes Mr. Wonderful. Isn't that always how it works? When you are not looking you find someone special. This guy knocks my socks off, LOL. He spoils me to death and treats me like royalty. We have such similar experiences in life that it is almost too strange, and his favorite dressing is blue cheese like me. Who can go wrong with that? LOL
Last night he made me a candle light dinner. Wednesdays nights are the only nights we are both without our kids so it has been every Wed for the last month. :) He even had a dozen red roses on the table for me. He barbequed the most delicious chicken and ribs and made grilled veggies too. This guy can cook. He remembered that I order my potato loaded when we go out to eat and so he bought bacon pieces and shredded cheese for my potato. He doesn't miss a thing. He remembers everything about what I do and don't like. He even reads my my space survey's and uses that information. For instance he read what my favorite type of food was so he took me out to eat that food the next time we went out. He even watched my favorite movie "The Notebook" with me. Oh and he is a total gentleman. Anyway.......LOL I am getting a little carried away. He calls just to tell me he is thinking about me. Can you tell I like him? We shall see where this goes and yes he is LDS for those inquiring minds that want to know. :)
Lol anyway sorry for the cheesiness it is just nice to find a nice guy to date after all of the weirdo's I have dated lately. :)
Last night he made me a candle light dinner. Wednesdays nights are the only nights we are both without our kids so it has been every Wed for the last month. :) He even had a dozen red roses on the table for me. He barbequed the most delicious chicken and ribs and made grilled veggies too. This guy can cook. He remembered that I order my potato loaded when we go out to eat and so he bought bacon pieces and shredded cheese for my potato. He doesn't miss a thing. He remembers everything about what I do and don't like. He even reads my my space survey's and uses that information. For instance he read what my favorite type of food was so he took me out to eat that food the next time we went out. He even watched my favorite movie "The Notebook" with me. Oh and he is a total gentleman. Anyway.......LOL I am getting a little carried away. He calls just to tell me he is thinking about me. Can you tell I like him? We shall see where this goes and yes he is LDS for those inquiring minds that want to know. :)
Lol anyway sorry for the cheesiness it is just nice to find a nice guy to date after all of the weirdo's I have dated lately. :)
PS WOW your site looks really good... YOU really overhauled it!! LOL
Love ya SASTER!
Oooh! You two are ooozing with cuteness. I love you!!! Mel, I am so glad for you to find someone. It is not good for people to be alone! He sounds like a real dreamboat. Do you have a picture of him???
I just love the banter between you two!! Cute cute cute! Aren't sisters the greatest! Good luck with the handsome Prince Mel. Love ya.
I'm here strolling through your blogspot again. Miss you..
Good Luck Melmac!!! He sounds utterly divine! Having a handsome prince in your life is just what you need! I sure do love your site! Your kiddos are adorable!! Love you dearly! I like reading what you and Melis write..LOL so cute! Sisters are totally the greatest and yes she rocks but you do too! hehe
I love all of you too and miss all of you so much....you are so sweet and no, no pictures yet......I actually broke my camera with the picture of my new hair cut, guess my camera didn't like my hair. LOL
Hopefully, I will have some soon.
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