Well Saturday was no different than any other Saturday in that I had extra kids. I always do. Usually it is Cody spending the night at Logan's request and sometimes William too because he feels left out. Sometimes it is Shalyn too but not so much lately. I also have Amy Jo's kids Jack and Alex one weekend a month while her and Davyd do Navy drill. Long story but she babysits my kids for me while I work so I watch her kids while she does her Navy Chief stuff once a month. It all works out good because her kids and my kids are siblings at their dad's house. Her boys are very sweet and I have learned to love them. Jack even calls me Mama because my kids do LOL. I bet Amy Jo loves that.
I had Melissa's 4 boys while she went to a friends graduation party. It still amazes me how much I love kids but I find that my patience level is not what it used to be now that I work and am not around them all the time. They all had a great time and so did I. You still can't see the floors in the kids rooms but I gave up. I will clean them tomorrow. Tonight is family home evening and yesterday was the Sabbath. Hahaha nice excuse heh? :)
When Melissa came to pick them up I told her about how my toilets were giving me grief. Well Melissa is our family handyman......LOL. She went to home depot to get stuff to fix the float in my bathroom and the flap for the kids bathroom toilet. When she was fixing the toilet in my bathroom the cooper flex inlet broke. She amazes me she went to Home Depot and figured out exactly what to get to fix it all. Even the guy there couldn't figure it out, Melissa sure could :) That is just how she is. Wish I had her talent. She gets it from my mom. She fixed both toilets and the inlet tube. My bathroom sink was clogged too because Megan put one of Logan's Spiderman experiment tubes down it. Low and behold miraculous Melissa got that out as well. It feels so good to have bathrooms that are in full working order again. Thanks to my dear sweet sister. Here is a picture of her fixing the toilet.
Melanie, you crack me up! Kids rooms will be messy for years and years! I hate cleaning up because they always aquire more junk somehow...happymeal toys, school projects made of macaroni, broken pencils, apple cores. It's a losing battle. Melissa is SO COOL. She amazes me. wow.
p.s. I love your new background and family pic!
I love your new background Melmac, super cute! I love blogging! Good thing Melis is close by! Everyone needs a wonderful handywoman in their lives! LOL Melis is way cool for that! haha I love you guys!!
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