Monday, December 22, 2008

So I can't sleep

Well I am up with my Meggy right now. She is running a slight fever and woke up because I can't sleep and I'm on the computer. LOL.......she is curled up next to me in the chair right now. We just looked at Aunt Lissa's page and she keeps having me go back to it so that she can see "Bamwhip" Lol. I am over here hysterically laughing. I keep asking what's his name.......and she says "Bamwhip" Oh well I will let her believe his name is that instead of Bandit.

She cut her hair on Saturday so Mom had to fix it and add bangs. You will take note that her hair was pulled back yesterday before we cut in bangs. She told me she has Dora hair now. So cute. I will post pics of it later.

Poor Melissa had all my kiddos today while they are on Christmas break. She is a lifesaver. After I got off work mom had us all the come over so the kiddos could make Gingerbread men. She always tells the Gingerbread Man story on Christmas Eve and has the kids decorate gingerbread men. My kiddos will be with their dad this year on Christmas Eve so she did it tonight for famlily home evening. The kiddos had a huge blast like always. Mom made hot apple cider like she did for us growing up around Christmas time. I loved it and the kiddos did for sure. I hope Melissa posts pictures of it on her blog.

Ok well we will try to go to bed now.....I have to be up for work early. At least I won't have to work again until Monday :).... Merry Christmas to everyone. Sorry my cards will be going out late this year. Love you ALL!


Melissa said...

Oh wow I took those pictures while playing with your new camera!!! Gotta love it!

Bamwhip! My kids are now calling him that... poor cat will never get to know his name right.

Grandpa Fuller said...

Your looking great. Wish I had your will power. Love ya, Uncle Dad